March 21, 2023


Blake Ostler’s latest book, “Exploring Mormon Thought,” has gained a lot of attention in the theological community. Through a scholarly approach, he explores the different concepts and ideas prevalent in Mormonism, shedding light on a religion that is still a curious topic for many. In this blog post, we will delve into ten mind-blowing concepts from his book that offer a better understanding of the Mormon faith.

Concept 1: God’s Eternity

One of the central tenets of Mormonism is the idea of God’s eternality, which Ostler delves into in-depth. He explains that God is not bound by time or space, and that his existence is not confined to any particular point in time. This concept is a crucial aspect of the Mormon faith and requires further exploration to understand fully.

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Concept 2: The Triune Nature of God

While the concept of the Triune nature of God is prevalent in mainstream Christianity, Mormonism takes a slightly different approach. Ostler explains that Mormons believe in the Trinity, but also that God has a physical body and is not confined to the spirit realm. This concept creates a unique perspective on God’s nature that sets it apart from other religions.

Concept 3: The Nature of God’s Knowledge

Another intriguing concept from Ostler’s book is the idea that God’s knowledge is not limited to the past, present, or future. He posits that God’s knowledge is all-encompassing and infinite, meaning that He knows everything that ever has or ever will happen, but also what may happen in the future beyond human knowledge.

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Concept 4: The Importance of Free Will

Free will is a critical aspect of Mormonism and is an underlying principle of many of its teachings. Ostler believes that having the freedom to choose is a critical aspect of human life and that God gave us free will for a reason. This concept emphasizes that God values our agency and allows us to make decisions that lead us closer to Him.

Concept 5: The Role of the Prophets

Mormonism places a significant emphasis on the role of prophets in revealing God’s teachings and instructions to humankind. Ostler posits that prophets are not perfect and sometimes make mistakes, but their revelations should still be taken seriously. He also explains how these revelations have shaped the course of Mormon history, significantly affecting the religion’s development over time.

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Concept 6: The Purpose of Life

Mormonism believes that the fundamental purpose of life is to progress and become more like God. Ostler explores this concept, arguing that every person is on a path of spiritual growth, and every experience serves a purpose to teach us valuable lessons. This idea encourages individuals to strive for continual self-improvement and to seek a deeper understanding of their place in the world.

Concept 7: The Role of Christ

Jesus Christ plays a central role in Mormon theology, and Ostler dedicates significant portions of his book to expounding upon the nature and purpose of Christ. He argues that Jesus’s role is not only to save us from sin, but also to lead us to a path of spiritual progression and enlightenment.

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Concept 8: Salvation and Exaltation

Mormonism teaches that there is a difference between salvation and exaltation. While salvation is available to all through acceptance of Christ, exaltation is the highest form of reward and requires obedience to specific principles. Ostler explores this concept, emphasizing that the pursuit of exaltation is a lifelong process and encourages individuals to strive for it continually.


The concepts and ideas presented in Blake Ostler’s “Exploring Mormon Thought” are fascinating to delve into and offer a unique perspective on the Mormon faith. The topics explored in this blog post are just the tip of the iceberg, and we encourage anyone interested to read the book and learn more about this rich and complex religion.

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Q: What is Mormonism?
Mormonism is a religion that was founded in the 19th century by Joseph Smith. Its beliefs focus on the idea that God has restored His true church on the earth through a modern prophet.

Q: Why is the idea of free will so important to Mormons?
Mormons believe that God values our ability to choose and that our decisions must be meaningful for us to grow and progress spiritually.

Q: How does Mormonism view Jesus Christ?
Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world. He suffered and died for humankind’s sins, and through Him, salvation and exaltation are possible.

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Q: What is the difference between salvation and exaltation in the Mormon faith?
Salvation is the acceptance of Christ and can be attained by anyone, while exaltation is a higher form of reward and requires obedience to specific principles.

Q: How does Mormonism deal with the concept of sin?
Mormons believe that sin is a natural part of human existence but can be overcome through sincere repentance and a commitment to living righteously.


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